Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Counsellor Deanna Troi

We watch a lot of Netflix. I figured it was about time to start drawing the characters of the shows I watch. So here is one from Star Trek TNG!

Drawn in colored pencil.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


My boss is putting on a t-shirt contest to decide what our summer-themed uniforms are going to look like. The two other employees who submitted theirs had really good ones, too, so I'm not too sure I'll win this. Either way, I'm pretty happy with the result.

I drew this in Manga Studio and then cropped it and photoshopped it onto pictures of t-shirts (a white and a black one). Black looked way better so that's the only one you're going to see.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Two more

Two more Pokemon avatars. I may have already posted Lars' (the red one) so if I did I apologize. I finished that one a long time ago.

The one on the right, however, is new. As you can probably tell, he's in the Navy. I may have overplayed that card. I dunno. You tell me.

That's all for now!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

AMAZING STUFF feat. James Wasson

Here's a new commission! This one was done for my friend James, a fellow Allan forumite. He's a student/student teacher in English and wanted a cover like the old science fiction magazines, Amazing Stories (there are like a million of them, just google "Amazing Stories cover"). Someone else in our little online circle suggested he be battling some books, so that's what I did! He really likes it and said coworkers are actually asking him who drew it and where they can get one, so here's to hoping they actually send me an email or something.

This was done in Photoshop with a tablet, as usual.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Comic styles

This is posted on my comic, but it's more of a filler so I figured I'd post it here.

Being kind of bored and frustrated with my current comic style, my boyfriend suggested that I take other people's looks and just directly copy them once or twice to get a feel for drawing it. By doing this, I can think about integrating certain techniques into my own comic that are based on others - rounded elbows or shading style, for instance.

A lot of these are just for fun. It was a great exercise, and (according to my friends) I nailed a couple of the styles, which was exciting.

For Octopus Pie (top left), I wasn't really referring to it directly and wish I had been. I love that comic and would love to emulate their styles.

Anyway, the list of comics/people I referenced are as follows (in order from left to right):

Meredith Gran's Octopus Pie
Dave Olsen's And Id
James Kochalka's American Elf
My friend Manny
Caroline's Coed
Liam Ramsay's Just Liam
Allan Wood's Allan
Warren Ellis and Paul Duffield's FreakAngels

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Plateau

The Plateau is a comic I started on 24-Hour Comic Day in early October. The idea is to start and finish a short series, aiming for one comic an hour... I just got really invested in mine.

Uhh... there's not a lot I really have to say about this. Tried a couple new things, like the window shine and mountain gradients. Texture overlays are something I've known about for a while but never really did; I like how it came out a lot.

I want to keep this going, but I can't seem to decide on facial traits for my protagonist, or a style for the rest of the pages (which will not be in color).

Hope I can get that figured out, because this page really motivates me to make more.
Just a couple little icons I did for Rivalry (a dice-based, online RPG Allan created for his forum members), before the whole automatic template thing went under. I really like how these came out, to be honest.

Surprise surprise - Photoshop with a tablet. Heh heh.


This one's something I whipped up out of the blue one day. I drew the face and was trying to figure out a hairstyle when Elastigirl popped into my head; eventually, this happened. Once again, just Photoshop with a tablet, only reference was a generic picture of the hero from the Inredibles.

I started coloring her, too, to try and decide a coloring style to use. After about 3 different tries, I came up with the one below.

Please note that her hair isn't finished because I only did the face... so yes, I know it looks kind of strange in comparison.

Pokemon avatars!

Mmm, I like these. These were avatars that I made for a few friends on Allan's forum. Each of them features a depiction of the person with a Pokemon that I chose to match their personalities. When I made these, I was thinking a lot about composition and color. Most of the poses were from google'd references, as far as the people go, but for the Pokemon, I did those with pictures of the creatures in different poses than they're in now.

These were all just hand-drawn in Photoshop, and colored with a solid brush tool. No vector or anything, but I'm thinking about cleaning them up in Illustrator soon. I really want to do more of them, but I kind of hit a wall after this. They really make me happy, so I think I'm going to try again soon.

Something Original

So I have this webcomic.

Something Original
is my personal-journal-style comic, highlighting events in my life that I think people might like. A couple are thoughtful, most are pretty pointless. Though it's still only about 50 strips long, the style has changed since I started, and I'm working on getting it to stay steady.

Most of them are done entirely in Photoshop CS3 using a Wacom tablet, but a couple are pencil or pen when I feel too lazy to get my tablet out.

Just a warning, I use heavy language in these, so you might not want your kids reading it.